Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Stylish Italian Police Uniforms - Carabinieri

     Over a platter of calamari arrabiata, Lewis said that if he designed a police uniform, he'd refer to the "fierce" Carabinieri's: Batman cape, Sam Browne sword belt, white gloves, S&M boots, and striped jodhpurs!  Wow!
     The Carabinieri is one of the Italian Republic's four military police forces.  Thanks to a reader (see under this posting), I learned that the others are "Esercito", "Marina Militare", and "Areonautica Militare".  All of them take orders from Italy's Ministry of Defense.  
     It seemed only natural that the Carabinieri's resplendent uniforms be designed by Italy's fashion house of Giorgio Armani.  Unlike many other industrialized nations, their police look elegant and outstanding: striped trousers, paten leather white belt, silver braid, scarlet-lined capes, red-plumed hats (lucerna), gloves and swords.

     Their name derives from the carbine rifles that they used to carry.  Created by the king in 1814, they were similar to France's gendarmerie.  
     Notice the motorcycle cops, below, who have driving gloves with cuffs, and who sometimes wear epaulets (in the second picture).

     Like many European nations, police departments utilize reliable vehicles from luxury brands.  American cops have mediocre cars made by bloated/inefficient manufactures like Ford (Fix Or Repair Daily) and General Motors.  European police use sensibly-sized BMW, Alfa Romero, and Mercedes.

The white cross-shoulder belt (seen above) indicates that the officer is on duty (unlike below).  

     Noticeably, the Carabinieri constables (above) carry themselves with more "grace and polish" than the regular Italian Polizia (below).

     Being a military police, they participate in parades... also an excellent way of maintaining their "dashing" visibility.  

The emblem on their hats is of an exploding grenade (seen in gold on the Lieutenant Colonel above).

They add decorum and orderliness to an old country that was famous for its factions and previous fascism.

Italians don't have a monopoly on stylish garb, though.  Below are police from other countries:

City of London:


Belleville Constables:

Canadian police (both pictures below):

 Mounted police of the island-nation of Malta:

New South Wales (both below):


      It would be great to have such handsome and competent cops in our great cities, too!

To see the trip that Lewis and I took to cherish Italy, please click this link:


  1. they look ravishing.
    speaking about uniforms, your observation is parallel to america's vs. foreign flight attendants

    1. mmmm, yes they do!

      (to your other point) Oh so true! Look at Japan's railway attendants, or Air China, or Emirates or British Airways uniforms! Our "great" country is way below par when it comes to levels of service (and equality) (and education) (and infrastructure).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The beginning of the article is incorrect. The "Arma dei Carabinieri" also called simply "Carabinieri" is not our national police force. They are one of the four military forces of Italy (esercito, marina militare, areonautica militare, carabinieri). While it's true that they have some duties that are close to the police force, they are at the orders of the ministry of defence like the other military forces. Our national police force is called "Polizia di stato" that means state police.

    1. Thank your for pointing that out. I appreciate your information and the thoughtfulness to mention it.

  4. Hi, the white cross-shoulder belt doesn’t indicates that the officer is on duty. That white belt is called “Bandoliera”. It is worn up from the first rank of “carabiniere” until the rank of “appuntato”, the equivalent of corporal more or less. Also they don’t usually work with the cape, it is used only in events or in particular places like piazza Duomo in Milan, around Colosseum in Rome, and so on..
    As about the Polizia di Stato, it is responsible for public security. It has exclusive jurisdiction together with the Finanza in airports, ports, borders. Exclusive jurisdiction in railway stations, trains and highways. It is one of the four police forces with Carabinieri, Finanza and Penitentiary Police.

  5. "Unlike many other industrialized nations, their police look elegant and outstanding:"

    NJ and Massachusetts State Police are pretty stylish. Post WWII their uniforms have a fascist connotation which is an unfortunate association.


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