Sunday, August 13, 2017

American Chickens Washed with Chlorine?

      You'll never learn anything of true national importance from American media.  The corporations that own them do not allow it.  The commentators have neither the brainpower nor conscience to report it.  If you want a fresh perspective of your own country, look to news reports from foreign nations. A British friend send me a link regarding Frankenchickens--American poultry as foul as the corrupt Big Business that breed them.
     Apparently, whistleblower farmers couldn't get publicity in their own "Land of the Free & Brave", but they were thankfully paid attention to in Great Britain.  The possibility of US chickens being sold abroad scared them.  (For the last 15 years, I knew to avoid eating American chickens from "Big Producers".  Why?  After visiting a Food Industry Show, a friend described the mammoth industrial machines designed to run on "tracks" and inject thousands of caged birds with growth hormones--and medicine.  I also saw an exposé on that industry).  I guess the Brits didn't notice until our chickens creeped near their soil.
     According to the Daily Mail, American poultry gets a drastic chemical treatment of being washed in chlorine.  Chemicals are nothing new to dumb American consumers, whose tax-paid FDA does nothing.  But, this treatment is used by Big Business Farms because the flesh rots in the conditions where the birds are kept!  Super-sized caged chickens/turkeys (fed growth hormones to satisfy consumers' desire for bigger breast meat) are crammed in warehouses in middle-America.  Unlike Europe (which believes in small-batch artisans), America is regulation-free regarding space to raise chickens.  Just like a slum apartment building.  The birds often buckle under their own weight: too heavy for their young bones.  Many are left in their own feces.  Many die before maturity.  The corrupt warehouses become a breeding ground for disease (just as Mad Cow Disease began).  Such "mutant" animals are genetically bred to grow larger in less time.  The tradeoff is health for the birds and humans who ingest them.

     While the US Poultry & Egg Export Council and the US National Chicken Council deny wrongdoing, it can't be denied that pictures of modern chickens are three-times larger/fatter than those from the 1930s.  

     Defending consumers, the US Center for Food Safety questioned why chickens need to be cleaned with chemicals like the kind we use to disinfect toilets?  (That's the extent of the Center's power; our federal government likes to keep Big Business mostly unrestrained).
     Being a $70 billion industry, the US Poultry corporations can afford to do a better job.  With typical greed and disregard for humanity, they just don't want to.  (Just like American media who fail to report on it).  The article stated that nearly all American chicken farmers are "under contract" with big producers who supply the animals, feed, and "equipment".  Typical of corporations, a "tournament system" pits farmers against farmers--thus encouraging disregard for safety, expense, cleanliness.  Nonetheless, a chicken firm like Pilgrim's Pride paid $2.2 billion in dividends to shareholders, but farmers hadn't received a pay raise in 20 years!  
     Thus, the Environmental Secretary of the British Cabinet cried "foul" (pun intended), while the Trade Secretary said the meat was safe.  Thankfully for them, there is a ban on American chickens going to the UK!  As for overtaxed, over-stressed Americans, "let them eat cake" (oh wait, but that'd require Frankenwheat!).


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