Saturday, September 28, 2024

Never A Change

      You should understand something about New York City.  Throughout nearly all of its history, NYC did not care about anything other than making money (for itself).  Starting in the 1810s, NYC's miserly figure of Mr. Astor--and his money-grubbing son--were the skinflint personifications of Ebenezer Scrooge.  

     There have been global wars, pandemics, international bankruptcies, and financial depressions (with worldwide impact but begun in NYC), yet nothing stops NYC from hoarding money and not caring about anything else.  Repeatedly, the city falls into disrepair and depravity, until unwitting benefactors pay extra (in addition to their exorbitant taxes) to improve things... temporarily.  

     During the COVID pandemic, the rulers of the city "sat on their money" and did the least to help.  NYC performed the worst in the entire world.  Regarding preparations, precautions, containment, cleanliness, readiness, responsiveness, and results, NYC was worse than any city on the globe.  Yet, it is the wealthiest city in the United States of America.  

     NYC did not care about the pandemic until people stopped vacationing in the city... and tenants started vacating it.  

     Then, the city reverted to its old, unchanged methods of pretending to fix things--by adding some new paint over the crumbling mess--and making "empty promises" to lure people.  (In his 1906 exposé novel, Upton Sinclair, describes those misleading paint-jobs).  It's been a long time since NYC had a reputation as an intellectual center of civilized society.  Typically, the city relies on gullible visitors and uneducated immigrants from third-world countries.  Therefore, when their lies didn't achieve results, the city offered incentives for people to come back and live amidst its filth and crumbling infrastructure.  However, one thing NYC will never try is making itself more affordable to live in.  Greed prevents that.  

     NYC remains the most expensive city to live in--more than any city in the world.  It is also the crappiest and lousiest to waste your time in.  Here is a quote from The Atlantic Monthly in 1902: "Through filthy streets crowded with noisy dirty urchins, it loomed up as a dark blot upon the blue sky.  Rows of tumble-down homes, disused carts, piles of rubbish, rags, and litter--among which the children played..."  Look at modern-day photos and tell me if the scene improved?

Due to a lack of improvements, rusty fire-escapes cover the fronts and backs of most buildings... like a prison facade. 

More unsightly--and also due to poor infrastructure--the city's buildings are capped with water tanks.  

So you see those things in Paris, Amsterdam, London, or Madrid?  Yet, NYC costs more to live in.

This is what spineless politicians lie about and claim...

Watch these short videos for a gist of how things are...

The video above mentions NYC's notoriously corrupt Voting Board... which partly explains why improvements don't happen. This video illustrates how that system existed since the 1869 era of NYC's infamous Boss Tweed (who overran the city via Tammany Hall).

     Coming from NYC (and infected with its mentality of greedy landlords), the President and his wife personified a typical uncaring when they dealt with national crisises.

Hence, people with good ideas (and ideals) fail in NYC.

     Please watch these short videos...

     Since 1852, NYC hated to spend money to improve itself, and its greedy/cheap landlords built things and let them deteriorate thereafter.  Employers illegally mistreated employees.  Everyone's arrogant attitude was "If you don't like it, you can leave, and plenty of people will replace you."  So, NYC was never truly upgraded, yet its prices surged regularly.  

     Now, people don't have to live there for their careers, and social media (especially during the pandemic) proved how loathsome and disgusting the entire city is.  With brainless repetition of old strategies, NYC will prop-up another season of geriatric Sex And The City as And Just Like That... 

....but it won't coerce and mesmerize people as it did before.  (The second season lost 59% of viewers).  

*Learn more about the media's "funneling scheme" here:

     Even Mexicans don't want to immigrate to New York anymore.  NYC will probably try to lure gullible refugees.  That has always been its attitude: uncaring about people...

...but relying on gullible people to toil through their lives to support outrageous overpricing for third-world standards.

     100 years ago, the American author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, wrote in New York City, and his words can easily be redone to describe the city.  "It was uncaring.  It smashed up things and people, and then retreated back into its money and vast carelessness, and let other people clean up the mess it made."

Smart people will avoid that type of place as if it had a plague.

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