Friday, July 1, 2016


     It's time for summer recess for children and politicians who act like children.  "Why are politicians like diapers?  They both get full of sh!t".  Politicians don't fully do their jobs during most of the year, but they certainly take our taxes and give freebees to big companies.  The poor and the rich are still the same.  Companies pollute the environment, and our tax dollars do the repair.  Developers ruin the land and overpopulate high-cost living, and our tax dollars pay the politicians who allow it.  Conglomerates swindle customers/investors, eject their profits to offshore safety, and then get bankruptcy protection from the govt.  Our federal authorities condone tax havens and ways for big business to legally evade paying taxes.  Then, taxpayers are burdened and told that their services are being cut due to money shortages.  Corporate crime goes unpunished (and not having to admit to wrongdoing)... except for fines collected by the government (the cost of which is passed by those companies upon their customers).  In fact, that's how notorious slum-landlords in New York City keep going; they merely pay the fines and never upgrade their properties to regulation health/safety codes.  Have we progressed since the Triangle Shirt Factory Fire at the turn-of-the-century?  Do human trafficking lords know it?  Do the Latin American laborers/gardeners/cooks/dishwashers who live crammed into one dwelling--and sleep in shifts--know it?  
     Yet, even after condoning it all to continue in NY State--while also blocking progressive bills/votes--politicians still rush off to recess, traditionally leaving important unfinished business to wait until after the summer.  Does your job allow you to do that?  Of course they also want to enjoy the fancy vacations paid for by corporate "donations".  They want to savor "contract kickbacks" overseas, where their picture won't be published by the media.  (Instead of paparazzi following the useless Kardashians, they might want to spy on graft-receiving politicians).  Technically, "we the people" are their bosses... so why aren't they afraid?  They are elected officials, put in & removed from office by us.  If they don't finish things like budgets before recess, why are they still in office?  Why do they remain incumbent?  Their kind of arrogant dealings might've worked for ministers in ancient China or medieval France, but it shouldn't work in technologically-connected Constitutional "semi-educated" America.

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