Thursday, February 16, 2017

It's Only Window Dressing

     The 8 years of Obama in the White House weren't terribly impressive... considering what their potential was.  As far as I'm concerned, he focused on "window dressing" while aware of a "fire hazard" simmering beneath the surface.  He spent years creating legislation that could be easily wiped away by his successor.  When they implemented Income Tax in 1913, it wasn't designed to be easily wiped away, was it?!  
     Obama didn't rip out corruption.  He didn't eradicate discrimination.  We're one of the last "first world" countries with sex/race/sexual discrimination on such a huge scale.  The laughable "War on Guns" and "War on Drugs" continue unstemmed (while Law Enforcement budgets balloon upward with new "toys").  Actors on the ABC-network TV show, "Blackish" said that it didn't matter who got elected President: the impoverished neighborhoods would still remain ghettos.  (It's been like that for a century!)

     Tax loopholes are still free-flowing, to allow ever-widening gaps in taxation between citizens and ever-wealthier businesses.  

The following blurb was circulating online:
When I was hungry, Obama cut food stamps.
When I was living in extreme poverty, Bill Clinton cut welfare.
When I was child fleeing violence in Honduras, Hillary Clinton told me I should be sent back "to send a message."
When I was migrant worker supporting my family, Obama deported me and 2.5 million other migrants.
When I was an unarmed black man shot in the back, Obama ignored it and used the DOJ to praise cops, not punish them.
When I wanted peace, Obama started 3 new wars.
When I wanted safe food, Obama signed the Monsanto Protection Act.
When I needed help with my drug addiction, Bill Clinton threw me in jail by passing a crime bill that led to the largest prison population on Earth.
When I wanted the truth about my government, Obama prosecuted more whistleblowers than the last 10 presidents combined.
When I was "working class", Clinton passed NAFTA and I lost my job. 

     Whatever protective legislation (against banks, to protect citizens) that was lightly layered on our system is being swept away by the newest corrupt president.  The last time such protections were repealed, it allowed the 2008 financial collapse/housing market plunge--instigated by untrustworthy banks.  Of course, the same Republican president who allowed it to happen quickly signed into law the "Stabilization Act of 2008" to directly bailout those banks with $700 billion of taxpayer money... but didn't help the harmed citizens (victims of the banks) who PAID the taxes.  Thus, the rate of foreclosures (by banks) exceeded the capacity of homeowner rescue programs.  Meanwhile, the cost of the bailout was $4,600 per taxpayer.  At the time, Obama was a presidential candidate in favor of that plan.
     Sure, you could say that Obama had no control on the bailout Act, started by his predecessor.  But, something tells me that he could've stopped/restructured it (as Trump is doing to Obama-Care).  Even so, during his 2-terms, Obama didn't spearhead penalties upon those conniving financial institutions.  Wells Fargo, a huge perpetrator, is lampooned by the media for going unscathed, while awarding its evil executives with bonuses/rewards.  Goldman Sachs used bailout money for end-of-year bonuses.  Citibank used bailout money to finish its (graft) overpriced CitiField stadium.  
     (Incidentally, banks continue to "nickel & dime" clients with a plethora of fees.  Why else is sending a paper check FREE but an entirely wireless transfer costs $25 to the sender and $15 to recipient?  Only in our American way of life!).
     In fact, it was Obama who condoned the Auto Industry "Big Three" bailouts (to avoid their bankruptcies--again): $51 billion to General Motors (ended 2013); $17 to General Motors Acceptance Corp. (ended 2014); $12.5 billion to Chrysler (ended 2011); $6 billion to Ford.  
     In a true capitalist society, "Survival of the Fittest" prevails!  Thus, those aforementioned (corrupt) companies should've been wiped out... not propped up on their feeble legs by tax-dollars.  It was their fault for wasting their consumer profits--especially considering how they strong-arm America to give them "the biggest piece of the marketplace".  And they still lose!  (Besides, their overpriced products are inferior/gas guzzling "Fix Or Repair Daily" vehicles--full of safety "recalls", which syphon money from buyers who need to pay for ever-increasing repairs & insurance... almost like Soviet car makers).  In addition, they've historically blocked progress/fuel efficiency/healthy competition/public transportation.  So, why keep them around?
     Congress initially refused--especially since the three CEOs' flew to Washington DC in separate corporate jets!  Industry insiders said that the uncaring, wastfully-bloated automakers brought their near-bankruptcy upon themselves.  

They didn't retool for an energy-efficient era.  They didn't bother "trimming the fat" to compete with better products from overseas.  They simply depended on spending habits of "Buy American" brainwashed citizens... and interwoven corporate deals of "you scratch my back; I'll scratch yours" between part suppliers, oil companies, and tire makers.  They should've cut production and dealership costs.  Instead of changing, GM offered zero-percent financing to sell SUVs!  Thus, Toyota beat GM as the world's leading auto maker.  Even Mercedes-Benz attempted to buy/turn-around Chrysler but soon realized that impossibility and spit them back out.  Columnist David Brooks said, "... if these companies are not allowed to go bankrupt now, they never will."  The loss of GM would've been like the loss of Pan Am, a heritage brand that had lost its competitiveness.  Its jobs would've been picked up by Honda's facilities in America.  Yet, knowing this, Obama allowed additional billions to be "borrowed" by the automakers during 2009.  Now, those same manufacturers & banks are powerfully supporting Trump, as Trump ruins what Obama attempted to start.
     Watching Trump unravel Obama's work reminds me of how president FDR was forced to undo his own Depression-era legislation that helped "the average American".  Big Businesses strong-armed him.  If he wanted their help/capacity in World War II, he had to repeal his "Fair Wage" acts, "Equal Opportunity" laws, "Public Improvement" measures and "Anti-Monopoly" focus.  From that point onward in American history, Big Businesses grew like weeds, 

while infrastructure and quality of life eroded.  Like a vampire.

     Upon graduation, American college students are still inundated with huge debt, because our "higher education" is a profit-making scheme.  Teenagers are tempted with unbridled credit card applications (to enter debt easily), with the same gusto that cigarette makers used when advertising to children.  (By the way, if cigarettes are proven to kill you, why are they still sold?)
    While Japanese students are educated in manners, social responsibility and intellect, our kids are fed sugar-breakfast-foods (made/marketed by Big Businesses that use "corn syrup solids"), and kids learn more from hip-hop music videos than they do in our underperforming public schools.  

That's why so many American high school graduates cannot pronounce words properly or speak clearly... or tie their shoelaces.

     America falls behind in "school smarts", when compared to the rest of the world.  Why is that still the case, after 8 years?  
     Since the Pure Food & Drug Act of the early 1900s, why don't foods also list the pesticides and hormones used on them (which could be ingested)?  Why do the Food/Drug administrations of other countries do a better job screening/protecting than our FDA?
     Why didn't our last president address our garbage/waste disposal/landfill programs?  

     Why didn't Obama tackle those big issues?
      Did Obama strengthen our culture?  How many Asian-American music artists did he host at White House performances?  How many Middle Eastern poets or Indian sculptors did he endorse?  Did he reach out to youngsters like old-time NYC Mayor La Guardia did on radio programs?  
     Didn't anyone realize (in those 8 years) how much racism still festers in the big television networks?  Aside from "token" characters, if you want to see more African Americans on TV, then look at the audiences of daytime talk shows!
     Did he really PUSH America towards greater standards?

     Why don't we have more vacation time, compared to other countries?  Why hasn't Work/Life balance been improved?  Why haven't entertainment networks been encouraged to showcase more sensible options?  Why does highly profitable/corrupt Domino Sugar still get monetary government assistance?  Why is America still dependent upon coal/oil fuels?  Why do slumlords continue to degrade humans in their urban slums, while government merely sends occasional health violation fines?  Has "illegal human trafficking" (which feeds restaurants/sweat shops/landscaping labor/construction work) been stopped?
     Why don't we have stronger infrastructure, by now?!  THREE YEARS AGO, Obama's vice president equated NYC's horrid airports to a "third world country".  Nothing's happened since then!  (Well, this year, they began to fix the parking lot).  Where did all that time go?  Meanwhile, Trump can immediately create an Executive Order to "build a wall" across canyons/rivers/countryside to block Mexico.
     Considering all the above, it doesn't seem like Obama really made strong changes.  Doesn't seem like much has been fixed during his 8 years.  The "big issues" still loom, getting bigger with time.  Perhaps if Americans had been better educated during those 8 years, they wouldn't be so ignorant in their voting.  Perhaps, if Prez O hadn't merely given a "slap on the wrist" to corrupt organizations, they wouldn't be around to push Trump to get their revenge on policies/citizens (whom they feel superior to).  

    Why didn't President O take preventive measures?  Some things don't change.  

     A formerly-patriotic guy wrote that he's no longer proud to be American, "I'm embarrassed.  We are no longer a beacon of hope or safe haven for those threatened/discouraged.  We are ignorant, wrongfully terrified, and unwelcoming.  We are cowardly.  We are followers, not leaders.  We have a false belief that simply because we are born here, that we are superior.  We don't notice our own decaying country.  I am disgraced by our federal gov't.  Our forefathers would be, too.  Citizens are trapped by ruthless, strategically wicked gov't that values status and appearance over morality and kindness.  We live in one of the most diverse populations, yet many Americans don't leave their comfort zones.  There's a whole world out there, but they'll never see it if they only go to Disney World or Las Vegas and never leave this rock!  Open your eyes."
While Obama's few legislations are swiftly dissesmbled, is he showing mournful consternation?  No, he's jet-skiing and golfing in Hawaii, ready for a lifetime of paid-guest speaking and diplomatic immunity.

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