Saturday, January 26, 2019

Chaturbate As A Social Solution?

Before webcams, you only ogled the people whom you caught glimpses of.

Or you sat around watching a video of something erotic.

It used to be that only the horniest/rowdiest guys went out into the world and got "experience".

Things are different now.  Web-based platforms like Chaturbate revolutionized sexual awareness.  
It democratized sex.

Everyone gets the chance to be a performer!  Prior to it, you required a camera operator...

Now, webcams and cellphones can spontaneously make you into a star!  Some websites, like Chaturbate, PAY YOU for daringly being naughty... "on demand". $

The flip-side is that such websites are educating the masses about inter-racial relationships, sexual techniques, the importance of foreplay, the acceptance of age difference, bisexuality, polyamorous tendencies, planned group sex, fetishes, and the acceptance of homosexuality (because many men enjoy it "behind closed doors" around the world).

Such interactiveness allows participants to practice their "new moves" while "conferencing" with their audience.

It encourages showmanship of musculature, yet also allows users to maintain privacy or hide their identities.

Instead of wikipedia and pornography, it is the new Sex Education, offering "real-time" lessons and demonstrations (to be tried at home).

Without language barriers, you might learn some tips or maneuvers from people around the globe.

All nationalities, social classes, and religions can access the material--at any time--from any handheld device connected to the internet.  It can erase misconceptions, stereotypes, discrimination, and "traditional" roles.

This technology is a new entertainment for millions.  We must hope that it will bring the world together.  Historically, battles abroad sent horny soldiers to blend demographics, while immigration sexually "stirred the pot" of cultures.  
This will work faster.

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