Friday, July 5, 2024

Urban Planning Idiots

     These are images of the wealthiest city in America.  They are not in chronological order because I want you to observe how things don't change: they began badly and are allowed to fester without much improvement.  New York City is the most-populated city in the USA, so it has the most taxpayers, and it collects vast amounts of money from hundreds-of-thousands of commuters and illegal immigrants.  It is important to know that NYC's government and agencies have been notoriously corrupt since the 1860s.  After 160 years, behaviors haven't changed.  

      A handful of entities owned Manhattan's land, so a power-grab occurred to install bridges, and they uncaringly trampled districts.  No other first-world city on the planet did that.  Like barbarians, nobody cared about the future of NYC's society... and that continues with what NYC allows to be built.  

     Above-ground subway tracks were the cheapest to make, so the greedy city strangled its neighborhoods with those monstrosities.  Aside from Chicago, no other first-world city did that.  Back in 1941, The New York Times reported that elevated subway trains in NYC were noisy and “a menace to health, comfort, and peaceable home-life.”  Yet, uncaring NYC did nothing to improve the situation, and those rusty hulks of elevated tracks still impede overtaxed citizens.  After one century, billions of revenue dollars are guzzled by NYC, yet no underground replacements are made.  No other nation on Earth has elevated subway trains as ugly blemishes for its citizens.

     As you view these pictures, ask yourself "What type of uncaring government ruins communities by callously building over them and demolishing their green-spaces?"

NYC is full of deranged Urban-Planning Idiots!  Barbarians.

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