Friday, September 6, 2024

American Way of Life Seems Unhealthy

     In my prior blog post, I celebrated our joyful news for relocation.  Alas, not everyone was thrilled about us leaving America, and they villainized us for it.  People I knew from high school and university criticized my decision to emigrate.  They rebuked it, saying that it was a knee-jerk reaction to America's ongoing problems.  It is not; Lewis and I deliberated intently for a long time, and we proudly made life-changing (live-saving) decisions.  During the past several years, we were openminded about relocating.  Please use this link to read my 2013 New Year Revelation, where I was already disgusted:

     Those "friends" insisted that the USA is the best place on earth.  I looked closely at them and realized that they are brainwashed.  America notoriously and historically uses people to feed itself and take money.  Waving a flag of the "American Dream", it lures immigrants into money-traps, and it funnels gullible citizens into debt.  
     Immediately after graduation, Americans are pushed into credit card debt and college loan debt (often exceeding $100,000), and they are pressured into early marriages, mortgages, car loans, and having children.  There is no focus on Money Management, Debt Avoidance, or Life-Work Balance.  Each newborn child starts a "ticking clock" because children in America will need (overpriced) baby accessories, (price-gouging) baby food, and (expensive) medical expenses.  Growing up, they'll expect computers, cellphones, cars, and car insurance, which cost triple in America what the price is abroad.  They'll need college tuition, that is usually more than $100,000, and that is vastly overpriced from foreign universities.  The large majority of my former classmates are ensnared in America's exorbitantly-expensive "traps".  

     America breeds consumerism, overeating, pharmaceuticals, medical expenses, higher dosages, higher costs of living, materialism, overspending, interest rate increases, and loads of debt.  Americans are destined for uphill stressful journeys within the American System, and America's industries, corporations, and government agencies don't care.  Most things don't improve, and infrastructure is designed stupidly as if cavemen did it (yet costing 10-times more than in another nation).

     Growing up in a quintessential American suburb (and living in a NYC borough that was under siege of overdevelopment), I can relate to these illustrations.

     In contrast to the people who criticized me, I considered the people whom I currently know.  I realized a distinctive pattern.  My jubilant and healthy (mentally and physically) friends were all born overseas and--after being in America--preferred living in other first-world countries, where "quality of life" is easier to attain... with much less cost and hassle.  Seen below, I will show you people who are my age (early 40s), living in Europe, Canada, Chile, Singapore, China, and Japan.  

     Our friend from London lived in Brooklyn and worked in Manhattan for 12 years, then returned home when NYC became too stressful and expensive.  He is thrilled to be back in a society with unpolluted waterways, fast trains, clean public transportation, courteous customer service, and nutritious food that's affordable.  He is able to have a garden again, go for walks along a litter-free river, and safely use a bicycle to get around the biggest cities. 

     Meanwhile, my friends in America claimed that they had the best lives.  However, they must pay exorbitantly for it--practically hemorrhaging money.  Normal taxes and fees do not provide it.  If you only pay a normal amount, you get crap that belongs in a third-world nation.  To achieve decency, they must pay 3-times the amount than the people above.

     Next, look at my friends living in America.  We are the same age, yet they look older: weary, overworked, overstressed, overweight, gray-haired, and premature baldness.  Consider the toxic environment that they are trying to live in.

Seen below, would you guess that Tim is in his early-40s?  Perhaps his money-making career took a toll on his life.

Look at Russell, below.  Does he look like he's in his early-40s?

As results of American society, those people do not show signs of "living life fully" with health and joy.  We will escape that.

For the short time that humans are on the planet, it is a gift to experience life, Mother Nature, abundance, and other people.  In America's overworked and overpriced culture, those value are treated as "luxuries".  But they are basics. 

Below are comments from a man who returned to his homeland after 8 years in America.

Being back in a balanced society, he felt different.

We know that feeling, too.

After being raised in America, Lewis and I know that it's possible/feasible to ignore American "programming" and make a better life for yourself elsewhere... where life is as it should be.  Despite American propaganda, your purpose in society is not to make greedy conglomerates richer, work until you get sick, sink into debt, and suffer from the nation's bad infrastructure and increasing violence.  

     As a perfect example, 45 days ago, Lewis was notified that Ticketmaster (America's richest ticket-seller) did not invest in Data Protection, so it suffered a data breach.  Hackers stole millions of people's names, addresses, credit card numbers, and passwords!  For the tenth consecutive year, America has the worst and most data breaches and credit card fraud in the world, yet its corporations don't want to spend money to protect data, and the government never penalizes them.  Ticketmaster was not penalized, and it merely apologized.  (Fake apologies are infamous in the USA).  It did not offer any compensation.

That is typical uncaring that occurs at America's wealthiest organizations, and it depicts the nation's dilapidated cities.  What sensible person wants to overpay for decades for that?

*To see why we want to leave this place, please use this link:

People should contribute to a society that nurtures them... just like the words in this brief video...

     Those haters can stay stuck in their mediocrity, but Lewis and I will be grateful to evade America's captivity.  Despite living in its squalor for decades, our inner resilience upheld standards that fit better in a truly first-world nation like Czechia.  We didn't experience a first-world life in the USA, but we know how to contribute to one.

     We will apply that advice to how we treat our future neighbors, friends, and coworkers.

     People normalize the abnormal and get accustomed to living in madness and messes.  They don't seek better alternatives, and they don't strive for integrity.  They settle.  They succumb and join the hordes who make it worse.  They lack resilience to resist craziness and abnormal behavior.  Americans boast that their ways of living are the best... and they refuse to discover the truth.

     We will always be thankful to finally live in a civilized society.

*See more corroborative input here: