Wednesday, September 4, 2024

We Got It!

     I begin this blog entry with that phrase because it is French for "We are leaving".  Zipping around the planet, Lewis and I fell in love with European culture.  Our passion for travel began early.  I was 17 years-old during my first trip out of the country.  Lewis was 6 for his!  The ambience and heritage that we experiences changed our perspectives on life.  After returning to America and trying to live the hugely-advertised "American Dream", we realized more and more that our values belonged in Europe.  He and I met 13 years ago, and our trips abroad were something that we shared in common.  
     By chance, we met a gentleman in Germany who helped us discover the beauty of Czechia.  (Circumstances and the people you meet on your journeys have a big part in your dreams coming true).  Chance became choice when we wanted to improve our lives through relocation.  We chose Czechia's capital, which is pleasantly populated with plenty of expats and immigrants.  By then, we had already visited 20+ European communities, but we knew that we wanted to live in Prague.  We were impressed with so much--especially the upstanding people, their sensible perspectives, and their successful ways of living.  Lewis and I were thrilled with Czech culture, customs, and festivity, and its centralized location and affordability will make our passion for travel thrive.  Exploring Prague, we ventured to several districts, and we continually said, "Whatever this is, we want more!"  
     We overcame the requisite hurdles (job interviews, notaries, translations, processing by the Consulate, and funds), but our longstanding vigilance for relocation made us ready.  Our patience was certainly tested while we waited for the Czech and American bureaucracies to approve our relocation.  "Patience is a virtue", and Lewis and I are virtuous in many ways.

     You must have "a dream": an aspiration.  Be passionate about it, and take action (with integrity) for whatever is needed to make it happen.  Every day, do something that advances or nurtures your goals.  Your endeavors will cause the universe to move favorably for you, and all types of circumstances will occur (that you could not foresee or imagine), and things will allow you to move confidently toward your goals.

     During our 3-month wait, the banker and realtor whom we met in Prague in February contacted us to follow-up with our status and to wish us luck.  They were aware of how slow the Czech government can be.  Our employer in Prague messaged us weekly to provide encouragement, and our video-calls were important reaffirmations.  Collectively, everyone assured us that we were desired in their culture.  It was satisfying for us to know that our endeavors made a positive impact in their opinions of us, and they rooted for us to succeed and join their community.  

     Our soon-to-be boss told the Czech Visa Officer that Lewis and I are rarities because we have highly-accomplished careers at several high-profile companies (with excellent training programs), yet we want to work for less income in Europe because we value its Life-Work Balance.  Our references also wowed our new boss, and the fact that he hired us as a couple was lucky for him!  (It cut his hiring process in half and filled both vacancies instantly).  Our willingness to relocate allowed us to be chosen for new careers in a miraculous culture.  Please watch this short video that personifies our happiness...

     Lewis and I treasured the memory of how we impressed our boss.  He was delighted with our authenticity to his questions and our optimistic openness to life in Europe.  Growing up in New York, we interacted with people from all over the world, which is a greater accomplishment than most Americans.  (200 languages are spoken in New York City, and it is an inclusive metropolis).  More than that, we respect other cultures... and that differs from intolerant Americans who appear ranting online.  Regularly, we eat internationally.  NYC is a smorgasbord of ethnic cuisine and heritage.  We always impressed friends, neighbors, and colleagues with our open-mindedness.  We built-up credibility with them.  When he contacted them as references for us, they also praised our professionalism.  We produce results with high quality and ahead of deadlines... often without supervision.  We keep our promises, and we are punctual for commitments.  Therefore, simply being ourselves won steadfast friends who were glad to recommend us for new careers abroad.

     New logistical objectives require our attention, but we will "live in the moment" to uncork champagne and celebrate the start of our lives in "the heart of Europe".

      We are excited to escape America's captivity.  

We are excited to live to our fullest potentials.

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