Friday, April 14, 2017

Saying Goodbye to Mean Gays

A friend shared this article:

Written by a gay UK soccer player, it suggests that gay society should be less catty/cynical/nasty/aloof/irresponsible/rude, and be less discriminatory to other gay men... and it should celebrate friends' successes and accept their uniqueness.
     I agree!  Too many television sitcoms use a "gay character" as the snippy, criticizing "hater".  Why?  Because too many gay men are choosing to act that way.

     The article got two kinds of responses.  Some men ridiculed it because they believe that they should be able to behave any way they want and be excused from politeness/decency.

To those guys, I want to remind them:

    The other half made comments like this:
"I'm gay but hardly hang out with other gay guys.  I'm a cheerleader of people's dreams, but unfortunatley 90% of gay men aren't.  At a young age, we are told that being gay is a disease, a sin against God, and a bad trait.  Our adult behavior isn't making us look any better!  Some gay men suffer from insecurities of self-worth. They only way can feel good about themselves is by making someone else feel bad.  It's been going on for years: criticizing clothes, relationships, muscle development, accessories.  Gay men act catty and mean and not to be trusted.  It'd odd because they'll have a great job, looking good, travel, and seem to have a fun life... then their insecure meanie attitude rears its ugly head.  When I lived in NYC, it was BRUTAL.  Gay men need more therapy, so they're not "frenemy" guys.  Straight people can be so much nicer!"

That's something that I've been saying and writing about for years!  See for yourself:

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