Friday, December 16, 2016

America's Capital City Isn't Near the Capitol

     I pondered why New York City isn't America's capital.  London, Paris, Beijing, Prague, Berlin, Madrid are all big cities/tourist attractions and simultaneously the governing capitals of their countries.  Yet, in America, NYC is the trade capital and biggest tourist destination... but it's not the governing capital.  For America, NYC is the "capital" of Finance, Banking, Fashion, Publishing, Advertising, Insurance, and Museums.  It houses the global governance headquarters of the United Nations.  
     Our newest President wants to shuttle back-and-forth from between the Capitol in Washington D.C. and Manhattan (like Queen Elizabeth between Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle).  Many folks aren't thrilled about that costly idea.  Yet, some question why Manhattan didn't always stay the historic capital of the United States?
     Here's the scoop.  Apparently, Colonial-era statesman/founding father, Alexander Hamilton, helped moved America's capital from New York (where our first president took office) to Washington D.C..  It was a trade-off/bribe to get his banking infrastructure into implementation.  Hamilton wanted economic power in the hands of bankers and merchants.  So, he moved the capital to "the South", amidst the titans of agriculture... and away from the financial elite in "the North".  That deal was short-sighted for the plantation owners; it was like buying a melting iceberg, since the financiers would overpower government--and the farms--soon enough.
     200+ years later, another "ambassador" of capitalism--our latest unqualified President--wants to bring some of the "power seat of government" back to NYC.  Let's see how that plays out... because things that work splendidly in the rest of the world don't work effectively via America's infrastructure.  

P.S.  Isn't it funny that the word "capital" refers to both money and government?  A lobbyist's dream.

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