Thursday, March 9, 2017

Me? Superior Attitude?

     Existing in an era of a society where people do stupid things--without thinking--and then ask why YOU don't join in... makes YOU look "bad".  In my case, when I reply "No thanks", it makes me seem "superior".  Why should that be?

-Wearing oversized clothes because American men/retailers are clueless to know better.

-Trendy fads like pointy men's shoes or thick heeled men's shoes.

-Buying inferior quality products just because the logo seems prestigious.  e.g.: if the Porsche car company's subsidiary makes a crappy suitcase... they can keep it instead of trying to sell it to me.

-Getting intoxicated to the point of physically not feeling well... weekend after weekend, thus costing you to miss your daytimes.

-"Pre-gaming" drunkenness before you go out, because people don't know how to relax without alcohol.

-Waiting in line overnight for an iPhone.
-Waiting in line for brunch.
-Waiting in line for hours on a winter's night to enter a club.

-Buying something just because a Kardashian did.
-Buying something just because a celebrity athlete wore or ate it.

-Fawning over something merely because a movie star was paid to wear it.

-Acting like the trashy characters of a "reality TV" show.
-Following the (scripted) lives of celebrities or "reality TV" actors, as if they're real... and making that your priority of the day.

-Engaging in unsafe sex due to peer pressure from others.

-Agreeing to unsafe group sex with strangers because it seems cool.

-Avoiding a film just because you haven't found a review yet.
-Buying $5 cupcakes because the bakery has publicity.
-Littering because so many others do it.
-Overpaying for sports/theatre tickets just because vendors continue to be ever-increasingly greedy.
-Moving into a too-expensive neighborhood/building because it claims to have a prestigious zip code.
-Neglecting classical music, or books, or manners... just because most people do.
-Avoiding commonsense safety for fear of seeming a wimp.
-Making any important decision just because your religion or political party or neighborhood demands you to.

-Eating unhealthy foods just because your culture says to.

-Getting tattoos of every lover that you imagine will be "forever".
-Forgoing your choices because peer pressure demands you to. 

     No thanks.  Sorry if I seem "superior", but I'll keep my straight-laced shoes... and my good sense.

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