Thursday, August 8, 2024

Saying Goodbye and Good Riddance

     Nearly all of our friends wished us well, when Lewis and I told them about our careful decision to emigrate to the Czech Republic.  Our European friends were the most supportive, saying that Czechia seemed like the perfect nation for us.  Sadly, a few friends were jealous, envious, and sour.  Perhaps that is because Americans are bred to be fearful of change and fearful of leaving America for too long.  (Such brainwashing is done by industries/tax-collectors who don't want you to realize how nice life is beyond America's borders).  
     American communities demonstrate the pressure-cooker forces that greedily want to squeeze more profits from citizens.

The land under NYC is not owned by the city; most is privately owned by a handful of entities.  Their unrelenting increases in rent—for apartment houses, retail districts, and skyscrapers—are fonts of evil for the city.  

     Their uncontrollable greed overstuffs the city with undesirable consequences.  Packed into tight spaces, subways, buses, medical facilities, and schools, citizens are treated like trash by their city.

     When people muster objections to their unchanged mistreatment, their employers and government don't care...

     The American "system" is rigged to keep citizens running on a treadmill that harms them.  Peer pressure forces people to stay on it, instead of realizing that other options are better.  Please watch these quick videos...

After living in America's richest city for decades, we don't expect anything to improve.  Please watch this brief news clip...

This one pertains to the federal legislature, and it's scarier...

Here's another federal topic...

You can also watch the online documentary film titled "All The Queen's Horses: Small Town, Large Fraud".  It proves that irrevocable damage occurs in small communities, too.  

     Employers in NYC assume that they will always have an oversaturated job market with millions of job-applicants.  So, they uncaringly mistreat, swindle, and abuse their employees.  They strive to prevent you from earning your full pay; they change criteria (illegally without updating your employment contract), raise goals exorbitantly, suddenly add criteria that can easily thwart you, and find excuses for demerits that cancel your achievements.  Almost all industries and career-fields in NYC are overflowing with sexual harassment, racial discrimination, safety violations, health code violations, psychological abuse, and traumatizing layoffs.  If workers complain, bosses use the same response that was used during the prior 150 years: "If you don't do it, somebody else will.  If you don't like it, you can leave."  Here is an online video from Lewis' friend, and it succinctly demonstrates the problems with most companies in America...

That is probably because American corporations haven't improved their opinion of employees since the USA's Industrial Revolution.  These video clips give examples: from the past, and in the modern day...

     When I submitted my resignation from my job, my company's Human Resources supervisor was supposed to cancel my pretax transit deductions, but he forgot.  So, money went from my last paycheck to a bank that funded a special credit card that I used to pay for commuting expenses.  That bank flatly refused to refund my money, and it cited the IRS by saying "If you terminate your employment, you forfeit your money".  My (former) company did nothing to assist me... which proved its thankless attitude for all of my loyal work.  It required two months of filing complaints, phone calls, and online forms to regain my $132.00!  The thievery seems endless.

Since its Wild West era, the USA seems to condone lawlessness, as this news clip proves...

That is the plight of overtaxed Americans.  Making things worse, there is no Life-Work Balance in the USA, and America's infrastructure is neglected and crumbling apart.  

     We will be thrilled to be away from NYC's unreliable power supply, unstable internet, slow internet, problematic TV reception (despite still having cables), and dropped calls due to uneven cellular coverage (despite it being the year 2024, while China had 5G coverage EVERYWHERE 10 years ago).  Despite paying some of the highest monthly rates in the nation, our television service is regularly interrupted for 6 hours for "system maintenance", yet customers never receive a credit for the lack of service (that they paid for).   
     Here are messages from coworkers in my company's Customer Service Department who "worked from home" but suffered perpetual internet outages due to NYC's crumbling (yet hugely overpriced) infrastructure.  Spectrum (previously Time Warner) is NYC's largest cable TV/internet provider, and it collects $501 billion per year, yet its system are pathetic.  That is unforgivable.  The frustration for my hardworking colleagues occurred nonstop for more than TWO YEARS!  Please click on each to make it bigger/clearer...

     It's like a third-world country.  That's what New Yorkers overpay for to a company with $501 billion.
     As if that wasn't terrible enough, Spectrum has the audacity to greedily charge monthly fees for outlandish things.  Until recently, it made its 8.5 million customers pay $1.00 per month to have a remote for their cable-box (receiver), and they continue to charge for the cable-box.  A basic TV "package" costs $10 per month, but the cable-box costs $13.50 per month!  The box looks clunky and outdated from the 1990s, and it loses its signal every week.  

    It looks like it only cost $20 to make in China, yet customers must pay $162 to Spectrum each year for it... and Spectrum never upgrades cable-boxes, so residents have the same old box for several years (or until it breaks).  That type of price-gouging should be illegal.  Further cruelty occurs because Spectrum charges extra if you want the cable-box to have the ability to record/save TV shows.  The price for that "luxury" is $13.00 per month!  Insane.  It's worse if you want access to more channels, because the lowest price-tier is $70 per month.  A typical range of channels costs $200+ per month (plus the cable-box and DVR ability).
     Naturally, New Yorkers began reducing their TV costs and relied on internet for online series, such as Netflix.  As expected, Spectrum (and the TV networks) didn't upgrade themselves to lure them back; Spectrum simply doubled the price of internet.  Now, internet costs $88.00 per month in NYC.  If you want WiFi, that is an additional cost of $7 per month.  $1,140 per year for internet and WiFi.  Disgusting.  But it gets worse because Spectrum greedily leaches more money from overpaying customers via Surcharges and (hidden) Fees: $25.75 monthly TV Surcharge, $3.52 monthly Franchise Fee, $1.17 monthly PEG Capital Fee, and $0.12 monthly FCC Administrative Fee.  Those extra costs make a yearly total of $366.72, and that's based on our monthly bill for Basic TV & Internet.  No other nation has Television and Internet as expensive as that.  
     Relatedly, our energy bill (from the notoriously-corrupt) Consolidated Edison company is overpriced every month, too.  It's absurd to pay $300.00 per month considering that the powerplants are within our own neighborhood.  That fact should save us money, but it doesn't.  Instead, the ugly facilities pollute the air and water, and they're famous for outages and blackouts.

ConEd doesn't have to transport the energy, yet they still impose a monthly Energy Delivery Fee of $135.00.  That is separate from our monthly Electricity Supply Charge of $85.00.  Adding another insult, they impose a cost of $21.55 per month as a Basic Service Charge.  Similar to Spectrum and America's richest banks, ConEd scams millions of customers with additional Surcharges and Fees: $2.23 monthly Merchant Function Surcharge, $9.10 monthly GRT & "other tax" Surcharge, $4.70 System Benefit Surcharge.  Naturally, sales tax is added to that inflated invoice, so our bill accrues another $12.00 per month.

     Lewis and I are happy to escape America's pitfalls and money-traps that none of the authorities deign to stop.  A decade ago, we stopped expecting our tax-paid authorities to help us.

Look abroad for a truly better life.

     The famous American traveler, Rick Steve, commented about global awareness in this short video clip...

Here is another helpful clip...

     Over the years, I saw people stall their own progress, in order to console family/friends who guilted them from "advancing" or "moving onward".  We do not do that; we move forward.  

We did dutiful research and made sturdy connections to relocate to one of the best places...

     Instead of wanting the best for us, or for us to achieve more with our lives, those few people practically demanded that we remain where we were.  They wanted us nearby so they could continue to depend on us.  (As if technology couldn't allow us to remain connected).  When they heard that we were leaving, some people said, "I don't want to be your friend anymore.  There's no point in developing our relationship more, if you won't be here anymore."  That was terrible.  Others acted as if our relocation was a betrayal.  

Overall, America is the nation that f*cks its own people, due to greed, corruption, and uncaring.

Sadly, the traumatized citizens waste their savings on America's notion of "buying happiness", instead of finding a sanctuary to live in for a better life.

     Sadly, in NYC, unchanged scheming behaviors from the 1910s pervade daily transactions.  You rarely get a correct Return On Your Investment.  People try to swindle and cheat you, and they conspire against you to take as much as they can steal: ice cream truck prices, municipal inspectors, police traps, shop owners, doctors (who try to make you go to other physicians within their network for unnecessary check-ups so they can fleece your money and bill thousands of dollars to your insurance), home contractors, mechanics, plumbers, repairmen, insurance firms, banks, landlords, and even thrift shops.  Here is an amusing video to exemplify it...

     For anyone who experiences such circumstances and emotions, please heed these words of advice...  

Please watch this short video, and turn the sound on...

Lewis and I did not let the bitterness from a few people impact us.  We understand that most Americans are not motivated to truly change their lives.  Social brainwashing obscures reality.

Every person has a choice of how they let things affect them.  We chose to move onward.

As I said, we're grateful for the many people who choose to remain friends, who plan to visit us in Prague, and who choose to remain in our lives.

We also welcome the many new people who will come into our lives.  By keeping our positivity, we will be capable of new friendships and "family-like" relationships.  Lewis and I pride ourselves on avoiding the negativity that other people allow to engulf and embitter them.  It's the best way to be.

After our assessment, Lewis and I knew that the time was right to make a Life Changing move, as this video exemplifies...

We knew where to go.

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