Friday, August 23, 2024

Encouragement for People Who Are Relocating

When you relocate to a new place, it's an opportunity to purge.
Logistically, it is sensible to streamline your moving process, and it lowers the cost from movers.  It's an ideal time to reevaluate your possessions and see what you don't need.  On a dharmic level, it also improves your feng shui.  Great!

     As you re-prioritize your assets (and remove liabilities), you heighten your readiness for "moving ahead".  Psychologically, it's good to be open/ready for what's ahead of you.  Get psyched for it!

     Big changes in your life might prompt you to have doubts.  Don't hesitate from your forward action while doubts cause anxiety.  Don't second-guess yourself; listen to your inner voice.  Keep your momentum and know that...

     When you announce that you are leaving, you may be surprised by the amount of people around you who dislike your change.  It can be astonishing to realize how many people selfishly want you in their orbit to console them, bolster them, do things for them, hear their problems, or exist for their benefit.  They may not truly want what's best for you.  There are also naysayers and "haters" who are consumed with envy and jealousy, and they don't like others to excel.  Don't feel guilty for not indulging them.  If you must orchestrate your relocation by yourself, at least you can be grateful that you don't have negative people harming your progress.

     Setbacks may occur in your relocation process, but don't let pot-stirring "haters" cause you to doubt your goals.  Until you know the verdict, waiting can be exasperating, and delays can be excruciating.  For our relocation approval, we were advised that the process usually needed 30 days.  It required 90 days, and we followed-up via email three times.  Please know that some delays are unavoidable, and some are part of the official processes that you must endure: governments, realtors, agencies, or Customs officials.  Don't let doubts or anxiety distract you.  Stay focused and be resilient.  

     You must have "a dream": an aspiration.  Be passionate about it, and take action (with integrity) for whatever is needed to make it happen.  Every day, do something that advances or nurtures your goals.  Your endeavors will cause the universe to move favorably for you, and all types of circumstances will occur (that you could not foresee or imagine), and things will allow you to move confidently toward your goals.

     If you are relocating for a better life, please feel supported that it is the correct strategy.  Do not feel guilty for leaving your homeland (place of your birth).

     As you continue with your relocation, assure yourself of your success.  You will overcome mishaps, misunderstandings (from translations), and unanticipated steps that you must take.  Use meditation and affirmations, and remain confident.  Compared to modern travelers, people in prior centuries traversed farther distances (in antiquated vehicles) via life-threatening travels... and they succeeded.  You will be fine, too.

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