Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Success Indicator

It's disgusting to read that.  

I possess and exercise every single attribute of "Successful People".  I always have, since high school.  What do I have to show for it?  Bank balance?  A large circle of friends?  Community impact?  Career advancement?  Friends helping me out/connecting me with more good people?  I should have those.  (God bless Lewis and a handful of dependable friends)!

Meanwhile, the most despicable people I know in NYC actively pursue the "Unsuccessful" attributes... and they seem to be doing fine!  My back-stabbing mother broke several laws without consequence, falsely accused me of a trial felony, ransacked my good credit that I leant her, and has lived for 5 years without making any (overdue) mortgage payments--without foreclosure!  My thieving sister broke several laws without consequence, helped my mother illegally funnel money away from an elderly woman, used a lifetime of people for her own gain.  Nonetheless, she married a hunk with a new home/car(s) and is working at a job that she loves.  My abusive father broke several laws without consequence, abandoned his family--only after swindling me onto that mortgage--and lives in the idyllic manner that he always wanted.  My former egotistical & manipulative bosses tormented employees, ignored clients, selfishly syphoned company resources for themselves, abused power, played "games" with employees, and either left the business before punishment or are still ensconced in their cushy roles (despite formal complaints from employees and clients).  When I look at many gay men in this city, they proudly inhabit the "Unsuccessful" side, yet carry on snobbishly and irresponsibly--as if life is an eternal Spring Break Vacation--free of consequence: health, finances, backlash, career, relationships, or the future.

It's been working for them.  But it's not supposed to; it's supposed to work for the Successful.

At this moment, I begin yet another new job, aiming to gain upward momentum.  I finished another correspondence towards foreclosing on that house, which is negating my hard-earned credit.  Every day, I welcome new friends, more social fun, a bigger bank balance, and ways to impact the world in great ways.  What is wrong?  That indicator confirms that something is definitely wrong.

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